Should I stay or should I go?

Should I stay or should I goI made the decision last week and acted on it. I decided to leave my job as a secondary school teacher of 10 years to become a stay at home mum. I wrote my letter of resignation and posted it…its official.

This was a decision that has long been in my and Mr W’s thoughts and conversations. It is not one that we took lightly and our thoughts and conversations always came back to what would be best for our family.

I loved my job, easier to say now that I am not doing it! But it is true, I enjoyed interacting with the kids, watching them develop and helping them understand things that they previously did not. I love the subject that I taught, Geography. It is unique and diverse, it is an art and a science and covers literacy, numeracy and wellbeing without even trying. It explores the interactions between the land, the people that live on it and the environment that surrounds us. I could go on but I think it is clear that I did not leave my job because I disliked it!

However, despite what some may think it is not a job that you can waltz into at 8.30am and rush out of at 3.30pm locking away the work that has built up through the day with the lock of a classroom door. The expectations, changes and challenges that education is going through just now meant that a typical work day would easily spill out either side of when that bell rings and well into the evening, weekend and holidays. The demands of the job and if I am honest, the demand I would place upon myself to do the job justice would undoubtedly impact on the time I spend with Baby E out with the official school day.

Something would need to give and I would be frustrated if it were the job that I took so much pride in and heartbroken if it were the precious time spent with my son.

We are very lucky that Mr W and I are on the same page when it comes to childcare and even luckier that one of us being at home with Baby E is even a consideration. We knew from the start that we wanted one of us to be with Baby E rather than go to into childcare. We also don’t have the ‘safety net’ of family living close by that could help with the inevitable times when we have meetings and other commitments outside normal working hours. Splitting the week between us so that we could both continue working while ensuring Baby E had one of us at home was a consideration. However, financially this did not make any sense for us and so was discarded and brought us a step closer to our final decision.

I want to be with Baby E…all the time. I love that I get to be with him every day and consider myself extremely lucky that I can be. From seeing his smiley face and hearing his sing-song voice in the morning through to sneaking into his room to see his peaceful, sleeping little body in his cot before going to bed myself. I want to be there for the smiles, the sulks, the meal times, the milestones, the tears and even the tantrums (don’t quote me on that one in a couple of years though!).

So while making the decision to leave teaching was difficult, doing it to spend time with my son was not. I might have regretted going back to work but I am certain I will never regret giving it up to be with Baby E. That is how I know we have made the right decision.

Are you a stay at home mum or did you return to work after maternity leave? I would love to hear what influenced your decision.

Let's Talk Mommy

10 thoughts on “Should I stay or should I go?

  1. I have been a stay at home/work at home mum for nearly six years now. I’m not going to say that it has been easy but I have absolutely no regrets. I have got to be there with my little people through the good, the bad and the ugly and that is priceless. I feel very passionately about helping other mums to make the right decision for them and their family. Lots of luck with your journey, I am sure you will have lots of fun along the way! Nx


    • Thanks Nicola. I completely agree that it is so important to find what works for you and your family. I am sure there will be challenges but I am also certain there will be lots of fun ahead!


  2. I am a stay at home mother since my son was born. My family lives far (Philippines) so like you I dont have the support. So I need to do things by myself. I would want to work eventually but now my concentration is with my son. Reading this post made me appreciate my son’s teachers more. Thanks for sharing and good luck with this decision =) #sharewithme

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    • Thank you! Like you I would like to return to work and find the right balance but for now I know being with Baby E is the right decision for me and my family. Teachers really do deserve the appreciation!


  3. I am giving my job up after maternity to be a stay at home parent too . In a way i am going to miss work but i work in mental health and the hours are long and the job can be dangerous at times and i don’t want to take the risk when i have young children, i got attacked when i was pregnant and that has put me off going back. I hope you enjoy spending time at home with baby E x #sharewithme

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    • I will miss work too but I know it is the right decision for us. Many people can be a geography teacher but only one person can be mummy to baby E! It’s great that you have made your decision and have thought about what is best for you and your family. Thank you, enjoy your time at home with your little one also!


  4. Such a big decision for you when it’s a career that you’ve actually built and worked on. I was a support worker so it’s a job I can walk in and out of at anytime so my choice was easy, but I really admire you for having the courage to do what was right by you and Baby E. Although I have to admit geography was never a strong subject of mine (by this I mean its horrific my lack of geography knowledge) so I can’t empathise eith you leaving that part of it, lol! Brilliant post, well done for making the move and thank you for sharing it with us xxx

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you, it was a big decision but when I think about how much more I will gain by being with Baby E I know it is the right one. Plus I can always indulge the geography geek in me by treating Baby E to some lessons 😉


  5. What a big decision to make but I hope you find it rewarding and have some amazing memories with your little one at home. I work fulltime from home so it’s nice to get the kids and work but hard at times too. I think it depends on everyone’s situation and what works best for them. best of luck. Thanks for linking up to Share WIth Me #sharewithme

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thanks Jenny, I agree everyone needs to find what is right for them and their situation. I am excited to start this new chapter and feels great to have finally made the decision! See you at next weeks share with me 😀

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